
A member of iPRT Group of Companies

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We believe we have unparalleled experience in preparing Transport Assessments no matter which market sector or type of development it is; 

Transport Assessment

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Intelligent Transport Assessment

One thing all our expert Consultants have in common is a hunger for intellectual stimulation;  we research ideas, conduct qualitative and quantitative analysis and applying unique solutions to solve challenges.


Our multi-award winning Transport Planning experts have devised an innovative & unique approach to Transport Assessments that leaves others miles behind.


The key principle of Transport Assessment is to demonstrate the potential for travel to the site by walking, cycling and public transport;  Transport Assessments assess the multi-modal impact of a development on the highway network in terms of its efficiency, safety, capacity and environmental acceptability in the proposed location.  We include the anticipated modal split for travel to the site at the time it is first fully

occupied and promote alternatives modes of travel such as walking,  cycling, car-sharing, car clubs and public transport to encourages less car use and gives priority to sustainability.


In the unlikely scenario that we identify the need for mitigation, we provide unparalleled site-specific unique mitigation strategies which have the right balance that meet the objectives of the Highway Authority, the wider community and the developer and ensure the ultimate success of the planning application and project.

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Expert Transport Statement

A Transport Statement is a basic Transport Assessment and typically provided for smaller developments.  It still has all the basic elements of the Transport Assessment and demonstrates that development isacceptable in terms of accessibility, sustainability, connectivity, impact on the adjoining roads network and potential for multi-modal sustainable travel to the site.

Our UK’s leading Transport Planning experts are on standby to assist you.

Solutions for a small planet as
excellence never goes out of style

Transport Scoping Studies

The success of any journey start with a friendly smile, a simple Hello and a respectful open dialogue;  understanding the expectations and key issues of the Local Highway Authority and working jointly to enable the right scheme to come forward are the building blocks of a successful application.  Our experts are trained in identifying the key issues and provide the site-specific solutions that have proven time after time why iTransport Planning is the client’s No. 1 Consultant of Choice.